About The Authors
Jim McKinley and David Huston
How did an apostolic church planter from
Pennsylvania and a leadership/education
consultant from Alabama happen to write a
book together? The story goes something like
this: In August of 1992, David Huston with
his wife, Barbara, moved from Annapolis,
Maryland, to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, to
plant an assembly. The following year, Jim
McKinley moved from the San Francisco bay
area to the gulf coast of Alabama. Both men
were deeply interested in participating in a
genuine apostolic assembly where people
could experience the redeeming power of
Jesus Christ and find their place of service
in the Kingdom of God.
In 1997, Dave published a book entitled
The Sons of Oil, which describes how
believers can minister to the spiritual
wounds of their fellow believers. Later that
year, the two men met at a conference and
Jim obtained a copy of the book. After
staying up most of the night reading it, he
approached Dave with a host of questions.
Jim had come to the Lord in 1970 as a
hippy drug-user in San Francisco. At that
time his mind was so burned out through drug
use that he was barely able to speak in
coherent sentences. He was baptized in
Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Spirit,
but his complete recovery from the effects
of the drugs did not happen instantaneously.
In fact, it turned out to be a gradual
process taking many years.
As time passed, Jim became concerned that
many people coming to the Lord were
struggling under that false belief that a
person is “totally fixed” simply by
receiving the Holy Spirit. While God is
clearly able to grant miraculous healings,
often the fixing process occurs over time.
Jim observed that many believers, not
knowing how to minister to severely damaged
people, were actually hindering spiritual
growth rather than fostering it.
Dave and Jim participating in a
home group meeting in Carlisle, PA. |
After reading Dave’s book and discussing
it with him, the two men began communicating
via email. One of their primary areas of
discussion concerned the purpose and correct
biblical structure of a local apostolic
assembly. They concluded that only when the
structure is correct will God begin to
operate in the fulness of His power. After
all, He had required Moses to build the
tabernacle “according to the pattern.” And
since the Church is God’s New Testament
tabernacle, it must be built “according to
the pattern” as well. After much study and
discussion, the two men determined that many
church practices today are simply
non-biblical carry-overs from the
denominational world.
In their book The Glorious Church, Dave
and Jim have invited Paul, the apostle and
“wise master builder,” to come into the 21st
century and describe the church of the book
of Acts. It is only by looking back at the
church of the past that we can envision the
glorious church of the future, the one Jesus
will soon receive unto Himself.
Dave speaking at a men’s conference in Mexico
City in September 2005. |
Today, David Huston is part of a thriving
elder-led assembly endeavoring to build
according to the first century principles
described in their book. He also works with
local assemblies in establishing home groups
and teaches seminars on marriage, parenting,
home education, leadership, and apostolic
doctrine. He has traveled to Nigeria four
times to speak at conferences on the Oneness
of God. He has also preached and taught in Congo, Botswana, Zambia,
Mexico, India, Serbia, Hungary, and
Austria.He is the husband of one wonderful
wife (Barbara), father of three lovely
daughters (Andrea, Alixandra, and Angela),
and grandfather of ten spectacular
grandchildren (Brent, Samantha, Katherine,
Jonathan, Elisabeth, Sarah, Esther, Jeremy,
Timothy, and Nathanael).
Dave hosts a home education
seminar in Carlisle, PA. |
Today, Jim is currently working to
support the planting of several local
apostolic assemblies in the pattern
described in The Glorious Church. He also
travels to work with local church leaders in
developing home groups and multiple leader
structures. He is active in leadership and
educational consulting with both public and
Christian school leaders and works with home
educating parents in developing educational
purposes and methods. He also presents home
educator seminars. Feel free to contact
either of these men by email.

Dave being silly with his ten grandchildren. |

Dave’s daughters, Angela,
Andrea, and
Alixandra. |

Dave’s grandchildren lined up in
birth order
(summer 2006). |

Dave and Barbara at the
Panama Canal, March
2006. |

The Hustons with their ten
grandchildren (spring
2005). |

Dave receiving counsel from
his closest
advisor, Percy. |